Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thank Yous on Thanksgiving

Today, in the spirit of this holiday, I want to register my thanks for wonderful feministy people who have been important in my life. I want to include those who do small things (like the woman at Thanksgiving today who gave her mother a hard time for only asking the men if they could carve the turkey) or the large (such as Emma Goldman for being a female anarchistic rockstart).

Also, everyone should note that this post is totally self-indulgent, so feel free not to read it.

So here it goes:

Sabrina Manville/Della Sentilles for starting this blog.
Tina Fey/Amy Poehler for making me laugh.
Danielle Mysliwiec for being an awesome feminist art teacher.
Martha Stewart, love her or hate her, she is a shrewd business woman and a good cook (you can be both!).
Gloria Steinem, Jane Friesen, and all the other women who married late and make us all remember that marriage is not compulsory, nor necessarily anything we should do soon.
Marjane Satrapi, author of the Persepolis series, an awesome Iranian feminist.
Chase McAllister-Olivarius for making us all reconsider the political meanings of penetrative sex.
Katha Politt for towing the party line.
Grayson Walker/Eric Sandberg-Zakian/Colin Adamo for re-affirming that men are a vital part of the feminist movement.
Elizabeth Alexander for being an amazing feminist role-model.
bell hooks, Angela Davis, and many many others who remind us that race and gender and class all work together!
My dad for reminding me that women are entitled to get pregnant and take time off whenever is best for them.
Erin Gaines and Carey Pulverman who reading all those crazy books with me in junior high and then following through on all our awesome feminist plans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: marrying/having kids late -